Ash Scape III
Ash Scape III
Title: Ash Scape III
Medium: Monoprint
Size: 48 x 64 cm
Edition size: 1/1
The Spring of Storms monoprints evoke traces of war and social and environmental damage that disrupt a balance of justice and humanity. Fires have long served as a metaphor in my artwork as both destructive and regenerative. They hold the paradox of beauty and pain; as well as the hope of light emerging through a smoke-filled sky. Spring of Storms references environmental disruption, climate change and possibilities for renewed growth.
For each suite of four prints, I started with a rough charcoal drawing on tissue paper that we exposed onto an aluminium lithographic plate and gradually built up layers of monotype. Just as a smouldering fire changes from one moment to the next, the images change, with the layers of smoke revealing and obscuring the charred landscape.